Sunday, October 21, 2007

If you are wondering about my health, thank Him, I am doing so much better, I got pretty sick by the end of august and beginning of September, after the retreat I decided (as I finally had time to do that) to go to the tummy doctor, I did and he gave a couple of test and turned out I had gastritis but also a bug in my tummy. The doctor said “no more coffee or hot pepers” that was the last thing I heard… his mouth kept moving but I was in shock… what do you mean no coffee???

If you know me… coffee is part of me, there is no Betty without coffee… but I had to stop drinking it, cause as soon I had just a little bit of it, my tummy would just felt horrible… those were the 3 longest weeks of my life, but the forth week an angel sent me some decaf coffee and that was my motivation to keep on going with that horrible diet… (coffee was just one out of the 100 things I could not eat!) lots of medicines, lots of days not wanting to get out of bed because the medicine was a bit strong, lots of prayers to recover… and here I am! Thank God as I write this to you… drinking my coffee without feeling bad!

Mainly that is why I have been not good in getting back to you or not writing my regular mail. I am doing much better and guys like this one make it easer every day!

Thank you for keeping me in your prayers!

After that I took some time off to recover… my sister Dora and I found this incredible deal to fly to San Diego for $150.00 round trip to visit my sister in CA. My mother met us there, and we all had a great time together, I have to ask you to keep my nephew in your prayers, Guille is wearing a helmet to fix a small problem in the shape of his head.

I came back to Guatemala on September 21 and worked on our objectives and office meetings; there is a lot to do and little time to do it!

What is going on with Betty?

You might wonder

( I hope you do!)

Well my life has been so busy during this last months, busy with ministry but also family and the transitions at the office are not finish yet, but mostly heath issues.

I want to share with you a little about the ministries that have been going on after the teams went back to the States.

With a team from Arizona we worked at a “school and orphanage” in the city. The Guatemalan running that place is very poor and there is not help from anywhere else. This team was lead by God to support this ministry by paying the rent of the property, I am trying to set that in a way that is clear to all parts!

There was another team that came after. They did great construction work, one of the houses they built was for a widow with 4 children. After they left the lady wanted to have a service at her house, and I did my best to make it happen too!

There was our annual retreat, it was meant for all the missionaries from SEPAL (OCI IN GUATEMALA) and I was in charge of that, as I asked you to help me pray for that and I know you did because everything went just great!

Monday, September 10, 2007


Thank God our retreat went great!
we had a great week at the city and also a great weekend in Panajachel,
I celebrated my birthday with all the Sepal missionaries and my dad and aunt in Panajachel,
we had music, fireworks and I even did canoppee for the first time in my life!
after all the streess of the reatreat, I am taking 10 day vacation in San Diego with my sisters, I got a great deal with a new airline, I paid $150 for a round trip to LA. I spent the night with my uncle in LA and we took the train this morning to San Diego.
THank you for your love and prayers,
I have some medical problems, thank you again for your prayers!
love you!!!!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

June its gone and I am so thankful to God for all the things He has giving me the change to do with many brothers and sisters from USA to bless and be blessed by the indigenas from Guatemala. It is amazing that many people walk more than an hour to be seen by a doctor and sometimes there is nothing the doctors can do to help them but the persons walk back home happy because there was somebody who heard them and there was someone else that prayed with them...
July beggins with a team coming down from Arizona, we will be traveling to Coban, and doing ministry in the city as well. They will go back on the 17th ,and on the 24th the next team arrives, they will be doing ministry in the city for most of the time.

I will try to keep you up date on what is going on.

Friday, June 15, 2007

To some people this can be scary, for others adveture! for me... this is my Guatemala!
The roads are not that safe, but that just force you to be careful when you drive and helps you develop faith! Here is a picture of the roads to Campur.

I am back in the city for the weekend, it is good to be home for a couple of nights, I was doing ministry in Campur that is a village outside Coban, it is the rain forest! I am posting a couple of pictues to show you how happy the children are to have visitors and how happy we are to serve them!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Thank you for your concerns... about the earthquake,
thank God no major damage has been done, me and my family are doing good.
Please continue praying for me and the group I am doing ministry with,
we are 7 hours from the city and it is raining a lot.


Thursday, May 31, 2007

Marcos Vidal is from Spain and he sings this song:
"Mi Regalo" (My gift)

I want to share with you the lirics and my attemp to translate it!

No son muchos pero Dios los puso ahí,
un poquito más cercanos, me los regaló a mí,
para hacerme comprender un poco más
el calibre del amor de mi Padre celestial.

No son muchos, pero no los hay mejores en la tierra,
sin temor a los leones en la arena.
Sólo pendientes de que alguien me proteja,
aunque el precio sea mayor, son amigos,
y no tengo que dar nombres o apellidos...
... porque ellos mismos ya se saben aludidos.

No son muchos pero Dios los puso ahí,
extranjeros de otra talla, tan insólitos aquí,
que me respetan y regañan a la vez,
y me quieren como soy, aunque me conocen bien.

Están cerca, no me es fácil engañarles,
porque llevan mis heridas y miserias en su pecho,
y jamás me echan en cara lo que han hecho,
aún teniendo una razón,

son amigos, no hace falta dar sus nombres o apellidos...
...porque de sobra ellos se saben aludidos.

No son muchos pero Dios los puso ahí,
peregrinos incansables, luchadores de marfil,
forasteros con nostalgia del hogar,
en sus frentes brilla el sol, en sus manos siempre
hay pan......

...y en sus labios
no hay engaño ni traición porque son sellos,
y jamás he visto zánganos más bellos,
ni me he reído tanto, como junto a ellos,
aún en medio del dolor,

son amigos,
y no quiero dar sus nombres ni apellidos...
...ellos lo saben y se dan por aludidos

There are not too many, but God placed them there,

A little closer He gave them as a gift to me,

To make me understand a little deeper His love for me as my heavenly father.

There aren’t many of them, but there are not better than them in earth.

They are always making sure that someone is protecting me, even if they have to pay the price, they are FRIENDS, and I don’t have to say their names ...

… they know who they are.

There are not many but God placed them there, foreign and bigger than me, so different here, they respect me , correct me, and love me as I am, even though they know how I am.

They are close, it is not easy for me to try to lie to them, because they carry my wounds and my sorrows in their hearts, and have never told me what they have done for me.

They are friends; I don’t have to say their names, because they already know it!

There are not many but God placed them there, peregrines that never get tired, fighters, foreigners that miss their home, in their face the sun shines, and in their hands there is always bread…

… and in their lips there are never tricks or lies,

And I have never seen weird creatures more beautiful than them, and I have never laugh so hard with anyone just with them, even when I am in pain,

They are friends,

And I don’t want to say their names or last names…

… they know and know that I am talking about them

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Hola desde New York!

I am still in New York, I went to the movies yesterday with my mom and my cousin Jose,
we saw "spiderman" and it was very special to see the movie in New York!
We went for a walk after the movie but even I looked for him I did not see him "jumping around"

We went to Atlantic City today and it was pretty fun!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Hello from New York City!

I am having a good time with my mom, New Yorkers are so happy to see me here (yeah right...)
I will be going to the movies tonight and see my old time hero "spider man", and after the movie we will walk around in the city trying to see him jumping around from building to building, I hope I can get a good picture of him....

Friday, May 04, 2007

Life is such a miracle and Guille is one for sure!

He recognize my voice now, (maybe cause I talk a lot...???) he smiles a lot and he sure eats a lot!

Thank you for your prayes and please keep me in your prayers as my trip continues in USA.

Blessings to you!

I am in California now, my nephew is such a blessing!
He made his first field trip today! we went to the zoo, my aunt came from NY to see me and I am happy with my family and eating guatemalan food in USA!


I have nothing but praise in my heart!

He is so good and powerful!

I survived to all my commitmets in MN and thank God I didn't mess up!
It was so good to spend time with old friends just to talk, pray and have fun.
I thank God for every person I saw, talked to or got a smile from, I thank God for the friends that hosted me in their homes, may Him bless them for taking the risk of having me with them!
I had a great time!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

This morning I has the privilege to speak at a christian school in MN, I was a "little" nervious about my language skill with children but GOD was with me and it was great!

Still in Minnesota and having a great time visiting friends and getting to know their families and even their pets! These are Tom and Linda Siegart and their lovely dog! we had a great time tonight!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Greetings from the not cold Minnesota!
I am having a great time visiting with my friends Deb and Tom Mortimer,
it is good to see old friends and meet new people everyday!

Just to give you an up-date of my trip, I had a GREAT time in Massachussets, where IT WAS cold and snowy! but the warm surrounded me by all my brothers and sisters in there! it was good to see and visit the same brothers and sisters that came to Guatemala last year and talk about the next trip, everybody was really nice to me, and God used them to answer our prayers about my monthly support! the church Heritage Bible Chapel is now my supporting church! and not only that but some members of the church got me this great gift: " a new digital camera" ! Praise the Lord!!! Gloria a Dios!

Now in MN I am having a great time and opportunities to share about the ministry and share my needs with others! The picture above is at Solomon's Porch, a church that has been sending teams to Guatemala for a number of years and now I got to be at with them, I had a great time!!!

Thank you for your prayers! we are still praying for $270.00 monthly support, $750 for my computer and $800.00 for a projector!


Tuesday, April 17, 2007


How difficult can be coming to USA?

Well it got a little tricky!

I got in USA air territory thursday morning, I was suppost to land at 11:30 and my connection flight was at 2:55 pm... enough time right? well... a big storm was hitting Miami, my airplane could not land we were on the air for a long time, then we had to re fuel in another airport, try to get back to Miami, we finally landed at 3:00 pm. My flight was gone and about 500 people were in the same problem I had... no connection flight, no place to stay, no food and lots of bags with us! but I am not alone! God is with me!!! my sister called a hotel and I stayed there, the next day I arrived safe and good to Boston, and my friends were right there waiting for me!!!

Heritage Bible Chapel has been a blessing to me, I spoke at church last sunday and I have been visiting with people during the week, I am flying to MN tomorrow and God willing I hope to make it on time!!!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Thank you so much for your love, care and prayers,

Little William is out of the hospital and on it’s way to his home,

My family and myself are so thankful to GOD for His protections and healing,

We know that it wasn’t the act of the doctors, it was the will of GOD that healed my little nephew.

William is such a grown up name for such a small baby so I decided I will call him Will,

Now William in Spanish is: “Guillermo” so I will call him “Guille” that is my short name for my nephew,

When he grows up I can call him William but he is my healed and loved “Guille”

Thanks again!


Saturday, March 31, 2007

Hello my friends!
May Him bless you greatly today!
3 days ago a very exciting event took place in my family, my sister Cynthia (the one in my blog)
Gave birth to a healthy 7 ½ pound baby, half Guatemalan and half American! So he is white with dark hair.
We were all very happy and I am so proud of my “little sister”, I rejoiced with her and even though I haven’t seen even a picture of my new nephew William I love him dearly and we all do in the family!
Now is a time of worries and tears, he is not doing well, high fever and he is hospitalized, many things plugged into his little body and I cry with my sister too!
Please pray with me that GOD will heal this baby, and use this event to be glorified by this!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

I have been good! (for all those who are asking "how is Betty doing?) Thank God I am healthy, I didn't feel quite good so I went to the doctor, and he run some tests and Praise Him it was nothing serious and I am feeling great now!
A team from Minnesota is coming tomorrow, I am taking them to the lake area where they will be building homes, doing medical clinics, playing soccer with the children of the village and a "movie night" we will show Narnia! Pray for me, as I have to go with them saturday and make sure everything runs well and drive back to the city monday afternoon as we have an important meeting in the city Tuesday morning, and drive back to be with them for the rest of the week. Pray for energy and protection. Thank you!
Praise God with me for the joy I have in my life and the up coming trip to USA to visit supporters, friends, family and meet my new niece or nephew!!! (my sister can go in labor any time now! pray for her!)
Thank you for your love for me, my country and my family!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Mis queridos amigos:

I just came back from a trip to the Lake Atitlan, I was ministering with a Brigde Builders in that area. I have to say that the Lake Atitlan is a beatiful place to go, God was really inspired when He created it. (not as much as He was when He was making me! :-)
I helped the children ministry and it was challenging but God was with us every single day of thejorney. I will be the rest of this week in the city. I am really excited to go to a woman's reatreat this weekend.

My dogs and cat are really happy to have me "back" home! now they don't have to worry about protecting the house and can take as many naps as they want...

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Hi there!
I just came back from a trip to Lanquin, Lanquin is a mayan comunity, I was lucky enough to go with a team of missionaries from Colorado, the team was divided in three ministries: medical, dental and children. It was challenging just to get there! but once there we had a great time, we were able to visit 2 comunities for the first time ever! I got the privilege to share God's plan of salvation and saw many persons giving their lifes to God. The comuties we went are so rural that my camara didn't work... (just kidding) the truth is that I forgot my camara at home... sorry no pictures of this trip.

Thank you for your prayers!
I will be in the city for the next 10 days.

Friday, January 19, 2007

This is my car! I really like it though!
Thank you so much for your prayers!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

I have been blessed, God has provided me a new car! I haven't ride on it a lot because I have been out of the city and I drove a rental car, I will use my car starting tomorrow!
With my church we are going to go to visit an orphanage for HIV + children and my car will serve for transportation for the ones that don't have a car to go there!
I am really happy to be able to help like this.
It is a Subaru Impreza 1997, I like it a lot, please pray with me that God will bless that car and that it would work well for many years!
I sold my old Toyota to a Pastor in a town called San Lucas Toliman.
I will post a picture tomorrow!