Thursday, November 05, 2015

school is over!!! (until Jan)

School year is over, (in Guatemala it runs from January to October), at precious moments from the 200 kids that started the year 180 finished it!
The school ended with full support that means that all the teachers got paid on time and they will have some deserved vacation time now!

At the orphanage we are going to say good bye to Noe who finished 6th grade and will go to live with an older brother in Guatemala city, please pray for health, safety and that he will continue going to school.
Also an all favorite… Alfredito will go, his Godmother will have him for good, she got and agreement with Alfredito’s family to have him and provide all of what he needs. Bitter sweet, we all love Alfredito and he will be missed but we are so happy that he will have a family!

The children of Sumpango had been blessed to have a teacher that came also during the school year, they are learning to read and write, and teaching of school subjects, moral orientation, teachings on hygiene and good habits, care for their teeth like brushing and application of Fluor, Medical checkups, treated stomach worms and head lice, give them some needed recreation, a daily healthy snack to eat, and other benefits like donation of used clothes, shoes, toys, etc.
Nowadays we have 25 kids, in ages between 3 and 14, their economic situation is very bad, and that is the main reason why they don’t go to a normal school.  Thanks to the 2 families that made this possible during this year!

Miguel and I are doing well, we are enjoying also our time off the school, he likes animals, loves mami and praises God. I had gotten more comfortable also with the family dynamic and he also is lot more comfortable here, he knows that he is going to be taking care and loved.

I am finishing my 8th semester at University, 2 more to go, internship and then the Thesis and I will be done! 3 more semesters I hope! And I will be able to help in a more tangible way to the children of the orphanage and Sumpango.
Thank you for making this possible, we serve with all of my heart, we share God’s love with love and passion, we teach in those classes cause I do it thanks to you!
God bless you