Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Miracle of Becoming a Mom

"You need to have those tumors out Betty, and either get pregnant or take the uterus out as well to prevent more tumors in the future" those words by my doctor made me feel frighten again, many emotions, one decision, and I could just have the tumors out but I might have to go through surgery again, I decided to take the uterus out and with that decision knew that I would not have a baby in my stomach, but God knows that I have a child, my son in my heart!

I had surgery done January 6th and I am recovering well thank to my God, I wont been able to get pregnant ever, but I will be a mom this year! the plans that God has for me are good and perfect, I pray that I follow that path all of my life.

Classes are going to start tomorrow (Jan. 20th) but I wont start teaching until my surgery has healed completely.

I praise the Lord for the love that He has shown me to glorify his name!
I praise God for my life and encourage you to praise him every day of your life, that is the whole point of been alive, to Praise Him.

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